Sunday, July 10, 2011

Story Time

I had two goals this summer: go to story time at the library every week and go to a new park every week. I am happy to report we have only missed story time once since Alivia had a fever and we have made it to a new park every week. I don't have any pictures of the kids at story time because I thought it would be disruptive to start taking pictures during story time. But, I do have a video of a great storyteller that lives in our house. Lately one of our favorite things to do is ask Evan to tell us a story. It is very entertaining and we love all of his sound effects and page turns with his hands. If you can't understand what he is saying, you are not alone. We really don't know what he is saying half the time when he is telling his stories.

As to our second goal of the summer, our first park visit was to Porter Walton park. It is right next to the library so we just stopped by for a bit after story time. No pictures. Of course I forgot my camera. The second park we visited was Founders Park. No pictures from that visit either. Unfortunately we weren't there very long since Evan had a bit of an accident. Don't worry there are park pictures coming from some of our other visits.

1 comment:

Lynette said...

I did what I call "park hopping" when we first moved to where we live now. It was so fun to see all of the parks in the area without deciding right off the bat that the closest one would be "our park." And now it turns out that one of our favorites IS the one closest to our house! :) :) I used to go to stortytime, too, but my older two were getting too old and thought it was boring and Lily didn't care so I decided it wasn't worth going if we weren't even going to sit in the room. Now I just pick a time and day and we go pick out books on our own. I kinda miss those storytime days, though. :) :) Enjoy them while they last!! :) :)