Wednesday, December 30, 2009

180 Degree Turn

So for a while I had a problem with Evan not wanting to get dressed and taking his clothes and diaper off. The solution: he was sentenced to wear a onesie all day, every day. Now we seem to have the opposite problem; he wants to wear clothing that doesn't really fit him or should really be worn outside. See for yourself.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Bad News

Well I've been thinking that this could happen anyday and on Monday it did. Evan has figured out how to climb out of his crib. Audrey and Evan were playing in his crib and Audrey got out so she could go get some of her stuffed animals to put in there. I followed her into her room because she wanted me to help carry them and a few seconds later Evan walked in. So I took him back to his crib to see how he did it, especially so quietly. Audrey was only 18 months when she figured out how to escape, although she would just lean forward over the bar and go head first. Evan definitely has a much safer way to get out. The good news to this story is that he still goes right to sleep when we put him down at night or for his nap and he doesn't climb out when he wakes up. We're keeping our fingers crossed he keeps that up.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Silly Stringophobia

Yet again we have found something else that Evan is afraid of. Although Colby really should not have sprayed it on his face.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Pop-Up Bookophobia

While I think grassophobia has the potential to become a word one day, I don't think pop-up bookophobia does. It may seem cruel, but I continue to like to get videos of Evan screaming. The other night I was reading books to Audrey and suddenly Evan started screaming for no obvious reason. I realized that he had found the now not so secret stash of pop-up books hidden in Audrey's room. Every time he opened one of the books, he just got so scared. I couldn't help but grab my camera.

Check back later for silly stringophobia.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Everyday of My Life

Evan is always looking for somewhere to climb. I feel like I never get anything done because I always have to follow him around. Here are a few places he likes to climb.

He has also made it onto the hood of our car, but I didn't get a picture of that one.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Sick of Cleaning



Wednesday, July 8, 2009


If you ever see Audrey no matter the day, this is what her hair will look like. She calls it her everyday hairdo and she insists on having her hair like this, you guessed it, everyday.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Other Child Unsupervised

Well today I thought Audrey was playing in her room with her polly pockets, but I later found out that wasn't all she was doing. Apparently she had found a pen and decided to draw on her leg. This is what I discovered when I went to give her a bath tonight.

If anyone knows me really well, they know that ink on skin is one of my two biggest pet peeves. At least I can cover it up with clothing.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Well I thought Evan was playing with Audrey in the living room until I heard some strange noises coming out of the bathroom. I went to check it out and this is what I found.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I don't really think that is a word, but that is what Evan has. He loves being outside, but he hates touching grass. It's not really a problem until he wants to get off of the blanket.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Evan Update

Well I took Evan to the doctor today and it was like deja vu. He has gained some weight, but apparently not enough. Here are his stats:
Weight: 19 lbs. 1 oz. 24th percentile (last time he was in the 55th percentile)
Height: 29.5 inches 86th percentile
Head: 17.7 inches 40th percentile

I have to take him back in a month to have his weight checked. I'm not really worried since this is exactly what Audrey did. She gained a lot of weight right at first and then gained weight very slowly.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Christmas Pictures

There's nothing like looking at pictures from Christmas a month late. Here are some of the highlights of our holidays.

Audrey sleeping on top of Evan.

Audrey getting stabbed with a fork.

Evan getting a bike that he can't even ride for a couple of years.

Audrey chilling on the lazy river.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Where Have I Been?

In case anyone out there is concerned as to my lack of blogging lately, here are my excuses.

1. I was in Chicago for 10 days.
2. I have been reading the Twilight saga.
3. I had a cold.
4. I've been cleaning my kitchen. I'm still not finished.
5. I took a short trip to St. George.
6. I've been doing Wii fit a lot. You can't really tell, but I'm a hula-hooping champ.