Sunday, October 9, 2011

Last of the Park Posts

Wow, I have really been slacking when it comes to blogging lately. I have some really good excuses though and I shall be posting about those excuses later. I thought I really better wrap up this whole visiting new parks thing. One of our favorite finds over the summer was the Bountiful City Park. I really liked this park because it seemed like one of the safer ones for Alivia to play at. She is still too little to play by herself of course and sometimes it is hard to watch and reach them on the equipment, but for some reason it seemed a lot easier at this park. I just don't like how close it is to a busy road. And all three kids could slide at the same time. It took several attempts to get this picture and it still isn't all that great. I just can't resist taking the staticy hair pictures.
We also tried out a park in West Bountiful and will not be going there again. It seemed pretty old and dingy. Also it was right next to the train tracks and when the train went by Alivia got extremely scared.
Next stop was the new park in North Salt Lake with the splash pad. I don't know what it is called, but the kids LOVED it. Every time we drove on Legacy, the kids would talk about going to that park. We didn't know that it had a splash pad too. Of course I forgot to take my camera when we went, but here is a picture I got on my phone. We will definitely be going again next summer.

Last, but not least, is the park we went to in Illinois while staying with Grandma. It was great fun and had a splash pad too. More to come on the visit with Grandma and Grandpa.
So this is the end of the park posts, but in reality we have more park news to share. We also went to an amusement park and a few ball parks this summer, but they all deserve their own posts.

1 comment:

Lynette said...

I've been to that park in Bountiful (the one with the three slides side-by-side). My kids loved that park, too! We went there several times because my husband was seeing a doctor located not too far away and instead of waiting in the office, we played at the park. :) I miss it, but it's too long of a drive to just go and play there, darn it!