Receptionist: "What is her name?"
My Mom: "Alivia, A-L-I-V-I-A"
Receptionist: "Wait, what? The first letter is an A? Start over please."
My Mom: "A-L-I-V-I-A"
Receptionist: "Oh, okay. What is her middle name?"
My Mom: "Delyn."
Receptionist: "Um...I'll just put a D."
We finally got to see the doctor after waiting over an hour. He took a look at my name and said, "that's interesting, why did you spell it starting with an A?" I also had to get my heel pricked so they could check my jaundice level and the phlebotomist asked the same question. Apparently I cry funny too because at my next visit when they pricked my heel and I started to cry, the phlebotomist said, "well that is an interesting sound. Most newborns sound like cats when they cry, but hers is definitely unique. I can't really tell what she sounds like." For the first visit I was dressed in a pink onesie and three people asked my mother "how old is he?"
I am growing. Apparently it just isn't fast enough as I have to go back to the doctor next week to get my weight checked. Hopefully by then I will weigh 8 pounds 5 ounces.
I have a fair amount of hair, most of it is on the back of my head.
Right now I do a lot of sleeping and eating. That pretty much takes up the entire day.