Sunday, January 18, 2009

Where Have I Been?

In case anyone out there is concerned as to my lack of blogging lately, here are my excuses.

1. I was in Chicago for 10 days.
2. I have been reading the Twilight saga.
3. I had a cold.
4. I've been cleaning my kitchen. I'm still not finished.
5. I took a short trip to St. George.
6. I've been doing Wii fit a lot. You can't really tell, but I'm a hula-hooping champ.


Lynette said...

Ahhhh. Glad you're back! :) :) You have been busy! :)

Colby said...

I think Wii Fit would technically call you a "Calorie Incinerator" instead of a hula-hooping champ. Then again, your scores far surpass mine, so you are the household champion.