Friday, October 24, 2008

I Hate to Spoil the Surprise

I think my child has OCD. When Audrey is getting ready, she lists all of the stuff she has to do. This usually happens on the days she goes to preschool. She has to get dressed, eat breakfast, do her hair, brush her teeth, put on her socks, put on her shoes, put on her jacket, get her backpack, and then she can go to preschool. She has also started a list of what she is going to be for Halloween for the next five years. This year she is going to be Sleeping Beauty, next year she will be a butterfly, then Horton, a pirate, and then a pig. There's nothing like being prepared.


Delyn said...

Then Velma, a kittie, and then food.

vallarie said...

HEY!! That is wonderful!!! Especially if she sticks to her list (not so much the Halloween one as the "to do" list). I wish my kids would have a list and then acutally accomplish what is on it. husband, too.

Delyn said...

It's not likely that a Nuttall would plan and make lists. I'm guessing Audrey gets it from me.

Becki said...

cool. i want to be food for halloween.