Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Family Pictures

This last Saturday we went to get some family pictures taken since we really don't have any since Alivia joined the fam. What a crazy day that turned out to be. It was just a really frustrating day from the get go. Colby was on the phone most of the morning (pacing the house of course) and so that meant things were hectic around here. Audrey tried to be helpful and get herself and Evan dressed. Unfortunately she was wearing this and Evan was in pajamas. That is usually what he wears, but he does have to get dressed sometimes. We were doing pretty well and left a few minutes earlier than we needed to. Which was a good thing because on the way there Evan started screaming and we turned around to see blood quickly dripping out of his nose. Of course he had used his shirt to try and stop it and of course Audrey started crying about it. Luckily there was a Kohls right by where we were getting our pictures taken and we had a few minutes to spare. We all went in to clean Evan up and buy him a new shirt. None of our children cooperated well for the pictures. Audrey tried her best to hide her teeth, Evan just wanted to play on the furniture, and Alivia was a bit scared. This is the best shot we got. Overall, the pictures turned out okay, just not as well as I would have liked. We did get some good pictures of the kiddos individually, but I shall post those later.


Lynette said...

Isn't that the way it is? :) I love getting family pictures taken! haha

Evan's bloody nose story reminds me of Marian's...I was headed to the zoo with my kids to meet up with my family and M got a bloody nose while on the freeway. I couldn't pull over and I had to literally throw her kleenex from the front of the van to the back. She actually caught it!! But not before her nice clean shirt was covered in blood. :) When we finally got to the zoo, my sister-in-law kindly bought M a shirt from the souvenir shop so that she wouldn't be walking around looking like I beat her up or something. :) Anyway, I feel for you!!

Kate said...

I hate to say this, but it doesn't get much better. We got some taken before Sam left. No bloody noses though.

vallarie said...

How come Audrey wants to hide her teeth? Let her know that she will have plenty of time to do that when she is old and they are all rotten. Lol