Friday, September 26, 2008

And the Little One Said.........Roll Over

Well, Evan started rolling over today. Unfortunately I missed it. I walked away to get him a bottle and when I came back, he was on his stomach. So we recreated the whole thing so I could take pictures.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Something is Wrong

It has now been a full week since Audrey has eaten sugar cereal for breakfast. Usually she will eat fruit loops or cocoa puffs for breakfast (purchased by her father). Lately she either asks for oatmeal, yogurt, or oatmeal squares. I'm curious how long this streak will last.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Tear Jerkers

Audrey tends to cry a lot. I'm hoping that it is just a phase that three year olds go through and that she will soon outgrow it. These are just a few of the things she has cried about this week:

1. The fact that our light bulbs aren't blue.
2. She only has two hands. (While I agree it would be handy to have more, we would just look weird. That's hard for a 3 year old to understand I guess.)
3. In her words "our house is so boring." (Sorry Audrey, but you will probably live here for another 15 years.)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

It matches right?

Well this is what I get for letting Audrey pick out her own clothes. She really does look stunning and the hat and scarf were a necessity for the 80 degree day.

Friday, September 5, 2008


I'm starting a blog.