1. He loves baseball and soccer. Recently he turned 2 and we celebrated with a baseball cake. It was much easier to make than a soccer ball.

2. He can fall asleep anywhere including while eating and standing on his head.

3. He loves to help. Two jobs he likes to help with are husking the corn and setting the table. The first time I asked him to help husk the corn it did not occur to me that he would eat it before it had been cooked. He also just likes to put any condiments he can get out of the fridge onto the table.

4. He has the cutest face. This is one of my favorite looks he gives.
5. He LOVES his new baby sister.

6. He is rarely dressed normal. He likes to wear pajamas all day. Sometimes only his pajama pants. Sometimes he likes to wear my shower cap.

7. He likes stickers and he likes to put stickers all over his body.

and sometimes he wears a shirt and no pants.
last night in fact.
He totally looks like Colby from that picture in mom's house!
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