Wednesday, June 15, 2011

She Turned 1!

Well we finally got around to celebrating Alivia's birthday. I saw the idea for this cake on one of the many crafty blogs I follow and I loved it. I just had to make it for Alivia's birthday. Luckily she is not old enough to tell me she wanted something else. I think she liked it!

She was a little slow at opening her presents. If only there had been someone around that was willing to help her. She did not like the hat in her bag of crap. It's too bad really, I think it would look better on her.
I spent almost an hour making the party hats, so it was a must that every child at the party wear one long enough for me to get their picture. Colton really couldn't be bothered too much though, so the back of his head had to do.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

He Turned 3!

He's quite the statue builder. Ta-da!If you ask Evan how he is doing, his answer is three. If you ask him when his birthday is, he will say Spiderman. For dinner he of course wanted pizza. I was trying to think how I could relate it to Spiderman and I came up with the idea to use olives to make a spider. I thought it turned out pretty well.
He of course enjoyed opening his presents.

A Spiderman/Tangled birthday party isn't complete without a Spiderman cake. I really didn't think I could make a good Spiderman cake, so we bought one from Sam's Club. There is something about making black frosting that really scares me.

First to Last

The school year really just flew by. I can't believe Audrey has finished Kindergarten. People always comment to me how much she is growing up, but I don't really notice it because I see her every day. I have to look at pictures and compare them in order to see the changes and remember what she used to look like. Here she is on her first and last day of Kindergarten. She is growing up and I couldn't stop her from turning six.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

She Turned 6!

Well today is actually Alivia's birthday, but I figured I better post about Audrey's birthday party first. I am behind as always. This year Audrey wanted a Tangled party and that is what she got. There was also a Spiderman party happening at the same time, but for this post we shall focus on Tangled. I started getting ideas and planning things in February and I didn't end up getting half of them done. I guess I need to start organizing things in November. For dinner Audrey wanted spaghetti with butter and parmesan cheese since it reminded her of Rapunzel's hair. We also made a tower for her cake and it turned out better than I thought it would. She really liked it or at least said she did.
We watched her open presents and she has been thrilled with what she got. She of course is now talking about what kind of party she wants next year. Only 355 days to go!